
Hello, it’s lovely to meet you; I am Iasmin! How are you?

In this page, I wanted to show you the work pieces I created. I hope you enjoy. Before starting, I would like to present myself.

My name is Iasmin, I am 19 years-old and I study at Ensign College University. I am taking a bachelor’s degree in Science of Communication with a certificate specialized in Social Media Marketing. On winter semester, I took a class that helped me become the digital content creator I am now. I am looking forward to keep improving and becoming better and impacting lives in a positive way.

Now that we’ve met each other, let’s get into some of my greatest works until now.

TOP 10 VIDEO – 10 Tips for You Who’s Learning How to Speak English By Yourself *Subtitles Available*




Freeze in Time
Elephant Foot


Did you feel interested in any of my work/content? You can get in contact with me at any time. Thank you for sticking up with me until now! Have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you in my next posts!

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